A girl aged 5 years presented with a suprasternal mass that appeared on crying starting 10 days prior, which had not been observed before, with no associated symptoms or previous history of disease.
In the physical examination, the Valsalva manoeuvre revealed a noncompressible suprasternal mass measuring 5×4cm that disappeared at the end of the manoeuvre (Figs. 1 and 2, Appendix B, Video in supplemental material).
Cervical masses require early and accurate diagnosis because they may be signs of severe disease.1 This case is atypical and rare, as the mass appeared intermittently in the context of increasing intrathoracic pressure. This narrowed down the potential diagnoses2: apical lung herniation (compressible, crepitus), laryngocoele (adults, possible stridor or dyspnoea), jugular phlebectasia (compressible and usually lateral) and thymic herniation (suprasternal, more frequent between ages 3 and 5 years, when the thymus is largest, not compressible, silent on auscultation).
Sonography is the gold standard for imaging and usually sufficient.2,3 In this case, the ultrasound examination detected superior herniation of the thymus (Fig. 3). This quick and safe diagnosis made other procedures involving radiation, biopsy or surgery unnecessary.2,3
Since the patient was asymptomatic and this type of herniation tends to resolve as the size of the thymus decreases, there was no need for surgical resection or any other treatment.