Journal Information
Vol. 98. Issue 6.
Pages 401-408 (1 June 2023)
Vol. 98. Issue 6.
Pages 401-408 (1 June 2023)
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Report of Editors: A year's work
Informe de los editores. El trabajo de un año
Montserrat Antón-Gameroa,
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Corresponding author.
, Alejandro Ávila-Álvarezb, Josep Vicent Balaguer-Martínezc, Mercedes Bueno Campañad, Rafael Galera Martíneze
a Editora Jefe. Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, Córdoba, Spain
b Editor asociado, Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña. Sergas, A Coruña, Spain
c Editor asociado. CAP Sant Ildefons de Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
d Editora asociada. Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain
e Editor asociado. Hospital Universitario Torrecárdenas, Almería, Spain
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Table 1. Professionals who have collaborated as peer reviewers with Anales de Pediatría. The names of professionals who reviewed more than 3 articles are presented in boldface.
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The Editorial Committee of Anales de Pediatría highlights the most salient aspects of the journal after one year of activity.

We invested effort in the diffusion of contents through the social media accounts of the Asociación Española de Pediatría (AEP, Spanish Association of Pediatrics), achieving an increase in the activity generated by its publications. The boom in the paediatric research output experienced in 2020 concurrent with the COVID-19 pandemic is now being followed by a declining trend. We have optimised manuscript processing, adjusting the rejection rate and the volume of contents of each issue. The impact of Anales de Pediatría improved considerably in 2022, and we expect that it will remain stable this year. The visibility of the journal is excellent, and the annual number of visits to its site has increased by more than one million.

Changes in the Editorial Committee

In June 2022, the composition of the Editorial Committee changed partially after associate director Víctor Manuel Navas López concluded his activity. Rafael Galera Martínez stepped in as a new member. We thank both of them for their work and their commitment to Anales de Pediatría.

Anales de Pediatría in social media

Aware of the widespread use of social networks among paediatricians and the potential of social media to dynamize the diffusion of knowledge, the Editorial Committee invested in their use as a strategy to disseminate journal contents.1

The Committee continues to post once daily on Twitter and Facebook in the AEP profile with the hashtag #AnalesDePediatria at 11 a.m. A post is published for each item in the different sections of the current issue of the journal with a link that allows reading and downloading the contents. We have added visual tools, including a graphical abstract in the original articles—implemented in the last year—and a figure or table in the rest of the sections. For the contents in the Images in Paediatrics section, posts include a link allowing visualization of the images or videos. In addition, once a week we publish 3 articles accepted for online publication ahead of print. Last of all, at the beginning of each month, we publish a thread presenting the table of contents of the full issue using the short titles of the articles.

The analysis of the flow and interactions in these 2 platforms yields the best information for the development of improvement strategies. Thus, in the past year, the number of reactions in Twitter has tripled, with a mean greater than 4000 for the 8 most frequently read publications. The publications that prompted the most reactions were Images in Paediatrics articles containing videos. The publication with the greatest impact within social networks was the original article by Carballal-Mariño et al. titled “Expresión clínica de la COVID-19 en pediatría de atención primaria: estudio COVIDPAP”.2

There is still interesting ground to cover, with possibilities such as increasing the participation of different groups of paediatricians and establishing retweet networks to increase the view rate and diversify the readership, or creating reading groups to promote the post-publication discussion of the articles with the highest impact, among others. We encourage paediatricians active in social networks to collaborate with the diffusion of the knowledge generated in Anales de Pediatría, in the conviction that it is a useful and up-to-date resource.

Manuscript processing

In year 2022, the decreasing trend in the number of received manuscripts that started in 2021 continued,3 as can be seen in Fig. 1. The reasons for this phenomenon are not clear, but disruptions to scientific output caused by the pandemic and the proliferation of journals in our field—most of them open-access, pay-to-publish journals—with an acceptable impact factor and short processing times may partly explain it. The distribution by type of manuscript continues to be similar to that of previous years, with a slight decrease in the percentage of original articles, which continue to be more than half of the total (Fig. 2). The sharp increase in the number of submitted manuscripts in 2020 forced us to reject a greater percentage of articles, in spite of which there was still an increase in the number of accepted articles with online publication ahead of print, pending assignation to an issue. The Editorial Committee of Anales de Pediatría responded to this situation by adjusting the rejection rate and the content included in each issue until there were no more manuscripts awaiting assignation to an issue, a circumstance that is reflected in the increase in manuscript processing times reflected in Figs. 3 and 4.

Figure 1.

Annual changes in the total number of received and accepted manuscripts in years 2014–2022.

Figure 2.

Annual changes in the percentage of original articles, scientific letters and letters to the editor received in the 2014–2022 period.

Figure 3.

Mean time elapsed from reception to first response by the Editorial Committee (2014–2022).

Figure 4.

Mean manuscript processing time from acceptance to publication (2014–2022).


We have succeeded in shortening the time elapsed from acceptance of an article to online publication, which is now of approximately 6 days, which constituted a significant effort by the editorial team.

In 2022, the overall acceptance rate increased to 24%, reaching 16% for original articles (Fig. 5).

Figure 5.

Annual changes in the total number of received original article manuscripts and the percentage accepted in years 2014 to 2022.

English translation

Following the modification of some of the indexation criteria of PubMed, the Editorial Committee decided to expand the translation to English to all the journal contents, including the sections on Images and Videos in Paediatrics and the Letters to the Editor, which were not translated in the past. In addition, with considerable effort, we have achieved our goal to simultaneously publish the translation of each manuscript approved for publication, which will allow faster dissemination of these contents.

Visibility of Anales de Pediatría

The visibility of Anales de Pediatría s continues its upward trend, thus contributing to its chief mission to disseminate scientific knowledge in paediatrics, a distinguishing characteristic of the journal that positions it as a reference in the Spanish language literature and offers significant exposure to authors. The total number of visits continues to increase at a rate of 1 million per year, currently exceeding 10 million (Fig. 6). This increase is mainly on account of the visits to the website of Anales de Pediatría (Fig. 7), while the number of visits through Science Direct has decreased (Fig. 8). The website of the journal allows readers to find out which are the articles read most often. This year, the most read article, which received 48,358 visits, is an article of the AEP by the Neonatal Resuscitation Group of the Sociedad Española de Neonatología titled “Guía española de estabilización y reanimación neonatal 2021. Análisis, adaptación y consenso sobre las recomendaciones internacionales”.4

Figure 6.

Visibility of Anales de Pediatría: total number of visits (years 2014–2021).

Figure 7.

Visibility of Anales de Pediatría: Number of visits to the site ( (years 2014–2022). The percentage distribution by country was: Mexico: 24%, Spain: 23%, Colombia: 8%, Argentina: 8%, Peru: 7%, Chile: 6%, Ecuador: 4%. United States: 2%, Bolivia: 2%, other: 16%.

Figure 8.

Visibility of Anales de Pediatría: number of visits from Science Direct (years 2014-2022). The percentage distribution by country was: United States: 90%, Spain: 3%, Colombia: 1%, China 1%, Mexico: 1%, other: 4%.

Impact factor

In 2021, the impact factor increased considerably, as expected,3 reaching the highest value in the history of the journal: 2.37. Changes to the calculation of the impact factor by Clarivate Analytics resulted in a generalised increase in nearly all publications, but Anales de Pediatría succeeded in improving its ranking and position itself in the third quartile among the paediatric journals. It is difficult to predict the impact factor for 2022, which has yet to be published at the time of this writing, due to the changes we have just mentioned, although we expect that it will remain approximately the same.

The estimate for 2022 obtained with Elsevier’s Cite Score is promising, as the number of citations increased between 2019 and 2022 (1541 citations) compared to the previous period (1329 citations).


Table 1 lists the 280 reviewers that collaborated with Anales de Pediatría in 2022.

Table 1.

Professionals who have collaborated as peer reviewers with Anales de Pediatría. The names of professionals who reviewed more than 3 articles are presented in boldface.

Reviewers of Anales de Pediatría (2022)
A.-Cienfuegos  Javier 
Abadías Granado  Isabel 
Abril  Juan Carlos 
Abril-Pérez  Carlos 
Acedo Alonso  Yordana 
Adán Lanceta  Víctor 
Aguilera-Albesa  Sergio 
Aguilera-Alonso  David 
Alarcón Martínez  Helena 
Albañil Ballesteros  María Rosa 
Alberola  Susana 
Albert  Dimpna Calila 
Alcalá Minagorre  Pedro J 
Alcaraz  Andrés José 
Alegre  Víctor 
Alejandre  Carme 
Allue  Xavier 
Almécija  Ara C 
Alonso  Ana Isabel 
Alonso  Ángel 
Alonso  Verónica 
Alonso Quintela  Paula 
Alsina Manrique de Lara  Laia 
Álvarez Álvarez  Ignacio 
Alvarez Gil  Domingo 
Andrés  Ana Gloria 
Andrés Llano  Jesús María 
Andres Martin  Anselmo 
Angulo  José María 
Antón Gamero  Montserrat 
Arias Llorente  Rosa Patricia 
Arnaez  Juan 
Artigas Pallares  Josep 
Astigarraga  Itziar 
Avila-Alvarez  Alejandro 
Azcunaga  Beatriz 
Balaguer  Albert 
Barrio  Josefa 
Barrio Castellanos  Raquel 
Barrio Cortes  Jaime 
Belinchón Romero  Isabel 
Bella  Monica Edith 
Benito Fernández  Javier 
Betancourth  Josue Eduardo 
Betlloch  Isabel 
Blanchard  Ana C 
Blanco Quiros  Alfredo 
Blasco-Alonso  Javier 
Boix  Hector 
Boronat  Nuria 
Bosch Alcaraz  Alejandro 
Bou  Rosa 
Bravo Acuña  Juan 
Bretón  José-Rafael 
Burillo-Putze  Guillermo 
Burnett  Eleanor 
Buyo Sanchez  Paula 
Cabanas Rodríguez  Paloma 
Calle Miguel  Laura 
Calvo  Cristina 
Calzada Hernández  Joan 
Cambra Lasaosa  Francisco José 
Cammarata Scalisi  Francisco 
Campos Dominguez  Minia 
Cano  Alfredo 
Cara-Fuentes  Gabriel M. 
Caridad  Tapia Collados 
Carriqui  Sonia 
Carvajal Urueña  Ignacio 
Casano  Paula 
Castells Sarret  Neus 
Castillo Salinas  Felix 
Castro  Alejandro 
Castro Conde  José Ramón 
Catalá  Albert 
Centeno  Miriam 
Chueca Guindulain  Maria J. 
Climent Alcala  Francisco José 
Cobo Vázquez  Elvira 
Coca Pelaz  Andrés 
Conejo-Fernández  Antonio José 
Cordeiro  Malaika 
Cordón Martínez  Ana 
Costa-Romero  Marta 
Couce  Maria L. 
Crehuá-Gaudiza  Elena 
Crespo Marcos  David 
Crespo Suarez  Pilar Adelaida 
Croché Santander  Borja 
Cruz Martínez  Ofelia 
de Arriba Muñoz  Antonio 
de Carlos Vicente  Juan Carlos 
de Dios González  Javier 
de la Cerda  Francisco 
del Castillo Aguas  Guadalupe 
Del Prado  Cristina 
Díaz Conradi  Álvaro 
Díaz-Gómez  N.Marta 
Díez López  Ignacio 
Domené  Horacio M. 
Dorao  Paloma 
Dorronsoro  Izaskun 
Eirís  Jesús 
Escribano  Joaquín 
Esparza Olcina  María Jesús 
Espiau  María 
Espín Jaime  Beatriz 
Espino  Rafael 
Espino Hernández  Mar 
Esquerda  Montse 
F-Delgado  Rafael 
Fernández  Manuel A 
Fernández Carrión  Francisco 
Fernández Colomer  Belén 
Fernández Docampo  Marta 
Fernández Montes  Reyes 
Fernández Ramos  Joaquín A 
Fernández Trisac  José Luis 
Fernández-Aranda  Fernando 
Fernández-Teijeiro  Ana 
Fraga Rodríguez  Gloria María 
Francisco  Hijano 
Frías Pérez  Manuel Angel 
Fuentes Carballal  Jesús 
Fumado  Victoria 
Gaboli Piera  Mirella 
Galindo Zavala  Rocío 
García Puga  José Manuel 
García Rebollar  Carmen A 
García Reymundo  Mercedes 
García Soler  Patricia 
García Vera  César 
Garcia-Cuenllas Alvarez  Luisa 
García-Muñoz Rodrigo  Fermín 
García-Salido  Alberto 
Garrido Pérez  José Ignacio 
Garrote Molpeceres  Rebeca 
Gil Lemus  María Ángeles 
Gómez  Borja 
Gómez de Terreros Guardiola  Montserrat 
Gómez Fernández-Vegue  Marta 
Gómez Fraile  Andrés 
Gómez Guzmán  Elena 
Gómez Sánchez  Esteban 
Gómez Tellado  Manuel 
Gómez Veiras  Javier Ricardo 
González  M Teresa 
González Balenciaga  María 
González Campillo  María Teresa 
González de Arriba  Marta 
González García  Hermenegildo 
González Herranz  Pedro 
Goycochea-Valdivia  Walter Alfredo 
Hernández Borges  Ángel 
Hernández Rastrollo  Ramón 
Hernández-Aguilar  María-Teresa 
Hernández-Merino  Angel 
Huidobro Fernández  Belén 
Ibarra  Ignacio 
Iriondo  Martin 
Izquierdo Palomares  Izquierdo 
Jaraba Caballero  Susana 
Javaloyes  Auxiliación 
Jiménez Gómez  Jesús 
La Orden Izquierdo  Enrique 
Labarta Aizpun  José I 
Lacomba-Trejo  Laura 
Leis  Rosaura 
Leiva  Isabel 
Lopez Pison  Javier 
Lopez-Andreu  Juan Alonso 
López-Laso  Eduardo 
López-Villalobos  José-Antonio 
Luaces - Cubells  Carles 
Lupiani Castellanos  Pilar 
Marco  Alfredo 
Martí  Itxaso 
Martin de Carpi  Javier 
Martín-Calama Valero  Jesús 
Martínez Regueira  Soledad 
Martínez-Pajares  Jose D 
Martín-Masot  Rafael 
Mata Zubillaga  Daniel 
Mateos  Maria Elena 
Mayordomo-Colunga  Juan 
Medina Benítez  Enrique 
Miñano  José Antonio 
Mintegi  Santiago 
Mir Perelló  Concepción 
Modesto i Alapont  Vicent 
Molina Arias  Manuel 
Montero Yéboles  Raúl 
Montesdeoca Melián  Abián 
Montoya-Castilla  Inmaculada 
Mora Palma  Cristina 
Moraga  Fernando 
Morales Ballus  Marta 
Moreno  Luis A 
Moreno-Alvarez  Ana 
Moreno-Villares  José Manuel 
Navarro Gómez  María Luisa 
Nogué  Santiago 
Nso-Roca  Ana Pilar 
Núñez Cuadros  Esmeralda 
Nuñez-Batalla  Faustino 
Ochando Perales  Gemma 
Ochoa Sangrador  Carlos 
Orejón de Luna  Gloria 
Ortega López  Pedro José 
Ortiz-Guerra  Juan Jairo 
Otero  Soraya 
Oulego-Erroz  Ignacio 
Pallas-Alonso  Carmen-Rosa 
Parente  Alberto 
Párraga  María José 
Parrilla Parrilla  Julio 
Peiro  Salvador 
Peña-Quintana  Luis 
Pérez Hernández  Rosalía 
Pérez Solís  David 
Pérez-Lescure Picarzo  Javier 
Perez-Muñuzuri  Alejandro 
Pin Arboledas  Gonzalo 
Pineda Solas  Valenti 
Piñeiro Pérez  Roi 
Pinos  Tomas 
Praena Crespo  Manuel 
Quintero  Jesús 
Ramos-Fernández  José Miguel 
Reinoso-Barbero  Francisco 
Rey  Corsino 
Riaño Galán  Isolina 
Rite Gracia  Segundo 
Rivera  Juan José 
Rivero Calle  Irene 
Roca Bajona  Andreu 
Rodeño Fernández  Lorena 
Rodrigo  Carlos 
Rodríguez  Julián 
Rodríguez Blanco  Silvia 
Rodríguez Hernández  Pedro 
Rodríguez Martínez  Gerardo 
Rodríguez Núñez  Antonio 
Román  Enriqueta 
Rosso  Diego 
Ruiz  María Dolores 
Saenz  Pilar 
Sánchez  Tomas 
Sánchez Torres  Ana 
Sánchez-Bernal  Javier 
Santos-Alarcón  Sergio 
Santos-Juanes  Jorge 
Sanz Santaeufemia  Francisco José 
Segarra  Oscar 
Sevilla  Julian 
Siguero  Juan Pedro 
Solana  Maria Jose 
Solís Sánchez  Gonzalo 
Solís-García  Gonzalo 
Sucasas Alonso  Andrea 
Taboada Perianes  María 
Tagarro  Alfredo 
Tarrado Castellarnau  Xavier 
Tejero Hernández  MªAngeles 
Tornero Patricio  Sebastián 
Torres Peral  Ricardo 
Ulloa-Gutiérrez  Rolando 
Valenciano Fuentes  Blanca 
Vázquez Martínez  José Luis 
Vázquez Rueda  Fernando 
Velasco  Roberto 
Villalobos  Enrique 
Yagüe Martin  Marta 
Yun Castilla  Cristina 
Zamora Flores  Elena 
Zeballos Sarrato  Gonzalo 
Zozaya  Carlos 

As we have done in previous years, we thank them for their contribution, as it increases the quality of the editorial process, contributing to the selection and improvement of the manuscripts. We take this opportunity to bring to light the difficulty the journal is experiencing due to the decreasing number of colleagues that accept the invitation to be reviewers. We are aware that the peer review process requires significant effort and that it offers slim rewards in return. Anales de Pediatría is a bilingual and open-access journal thanks to the financial support of the AEP. It is the most important journal of paediatrics in the Spanish language, and participating in such a journal as a reviewer can be a source of pride. For this reason, from the Editorial Committee, we make an appeal asking our colleagues to actively and generously participate in the review of manuscripts that keeps the journal alive. Anales de Pediatría is growing in magnitude and prestige through the joint efforts of the individuals that read it or publish in it.


We thank the authors for the opportunity they afford us on submitting their manuscripts to Anales de Pediatría. We are aware that the high percentage of rejections may discourage some authors, however, we hope that the growing impact and visibility of the journal and the lack of publication costs for authors will offer an incentive to submit.

In the Editorial Committee, we continue to work diligently to fulfil our mission, striving for a responsible, ethical, transparent and rigorous management of the journal. We offer our apologies to authors for any errors that may occur.


The annual award Anales de Pediatría 2023 to the best article published by the journal in 2022 was given to the original article “Aprendiendo a reanimar en la escuela. Estudio en

escolares de 8–12 años” by Martínez-Isasi et al.5

The award to the article that has contributed the most to the impact factor of Anales de Pediatría in the last 2 years was given to an original article on the subject of the COVID-19 pandemic, “Influencia de la pandemia por coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) en la apendicitis aguda” by Velayos et al., from the Department of Paediatric Surgery of the Hospital la Paz in Madrid.6

We offer our congratulations to the authors of these articles.

Asociación Española de Pediatría

We acknowledge and thank the support of the Executive Board of the AEP to the activity of the Editorial Committee, without which the improvements implemented this year would not have been possible.

Lastly, we take this opportunity to thank the members of the working groups, committees and scientific societies of the AEP and everyone whose work and willingness to contribute facilitate the growth of the journal.

M. Antón Gamero, A. Ávila Álvarez, J.V. Balaguer-Martínez, M. Bueno Campaña, V.M. Navas López.
Anales de Pediatría: We take over.
An Pediatr, 95 (2021), pp. 220-221
M. Carballal-Mariño, J.V. Balaguer-Martínez, C. García-Vera, B. Morillo-Gutierrez, B. Domínguez-Aurrecoechea, R. Jimenez-Alés, et al.
COVID-19 clinical features in primary care: COVIDPAP study.
An Pediatr, 97 (2022), pp. 48-58
M. Antón-Gamero, A. Ávila-Álvarez, J.V. Balaguer-Martínez, M. Bueno-Campaña, V.M. Navas-López.
Annual report of Anales de Pediatría.
An Pediatr, 96 (2022), pp. 465-473
G. Zeballos Sarrato, A. Avila-Alvarez, R. Escrig Fernández, M. Izquierdo Renau, C.W. Ruiz Campillo, C. Gómez Robles, et al.
Spanish guide for neonatal stabilization and resuscitation 2021: Analysis, adaptation and consensus on international recommendations.
An Pediatr, 96 (2022), pp. 145.e1-145.e9
S. Martínez-Isasi, C. Abelairas-Gómez, M. Pichel-López, R. Barcala-Furelos, C. Varela-Casal, D. Vázquez-Santamariña, et al.
Learning to resuscitate at school. Study in 8-12 year-old schoolchildren.
An Pediatr, 96 (2022), pp. 17-24
M. Velayos, A.J. Muñoz-Serrano, K. Estefanía-Fernández, M.C. Sarmiento Caldas, L. Moratilla Lapeña, M. López-Santamaría, et al.
Influence of the coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) pandemic on acute appendicitis.
An Pediatr, 93 (2020), pp. 118-122
Copyright © 2023. Asociación Española de Pediatría
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