Journal Information
Vol. 92. Issue 6.
Pages 321-327 (1 June 2020)
Vol. 92. Issue 6.
Pages 321-327 (1 June 2020)
Open Access
The Anales de Pediatría editors annual report
Informe anual de los editores de Anales de Pediatría
Corsino Rey Galána,
Corresponding author
, Laia Alsina Manrique de Larab, Montserrat Antón Gamerob, Alfredo Cano Garcinuñob, Gonzalo Solís Sánchezb
a Editor jefe de Anales de Pediatría
b Editor asociado de Anales de Pediatría
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Table 1. Professionals that have cooperated as reviewers in Anales de Pediatría.
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Every year, the Editorial Committee of Anales de Pediatría devotes this article to summarising the most significant events that have affected the journal in the past year. At the time of this writing, novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is pushing our health care system to dire extremes. Fortunately, the paediatric population is not suffering the devastating effects that this disease is having on adult patients. Aware of this situation, we have tried to adapt the journal to rapidly disseminate any available knowledge on this disease.1

When it came to manuscript processing, we maintained the trends of recent years, with stable submission and rejection numbers. There was a very positive, spectacular increase in the visibility of the journal, with an increase in the total number of visits from 4 million in 2018 to 7 million in 2019. There was a slight decrease in the impact factor in 2019 relative to 2018; we hope that in 2020 we will succeed in consolidating the increases achieved in recent years.

SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19

From Anales de Pediatría, we have tried to increase access to paediatric protocols endorsed by the Asociación Española de Pediatría (Spanish Association of Paediatrics, AEP) creating a special “Coronavirus COVID-19” section in the website of the journal.2 This section has been making available to our readers the latest modification to these protocols to try to keep information that is progressively changing up to date. On the other hand, we have published one special article3 and have strived to prioritise manuscripts related to clinical experience with paediatric cases, aware that the avalanche of data on the subject makes it difficult to keep the content updated. All articles related to COVID-19 have been grouped and can be accessed through a direct link in the home page of the site. The response of readers has been positive, as the special article and the article on the first case of infection by SARS-CoV-2 in a newborn4 are the 2 most-read articles in the first months of 2020.

Manuscript processing

The total number of manuscripts submitted to the journal continued to be greater than 700 (Fig. 1). Due to this high number, the acceptance rate continues to be low, decreasing from 23% in 2018 to 20% in 2019. As for the type of manuscripts submitted (Fig. 2), we found that the distribution was very similar compared to 2018. Fig. 3 shows the changes in the number of original articles and the corresponding rate of acceptance, revealing a small decrease compared to 2018. In 2018, the journal received 389 original articles, compared to 310 in 2019. When it came to the articles published in 2019, the distribution by type was as follows: 13 editorials (13 in 2018), 72 original articles (72 in 2018), 36 scientific letters (36 in 2018), 25 letters to the editor (22 in 2018), and 24 special articles and articles by the AEP (19 in 2018).5

Figure 1.

Annual changes in the total number of received and accepted manuscripts, years 2011–2019.

Figure 2.

Annual changes in the percentage of original articles, scientific letters and letters to the editor received in the 2011–2019 period.

Figure 3.

Annual changes in the total number of received original article manuscripts and the percentage accepted in years 2011–2019.


Figs. 4 and 5 present the response time in manuscript processing, with values that have remained relatively stable in the past few years. We believe that these figures reflect that the response times to submitting authors in case of rejection are quite reasonable for the purpose of submitting their work to other journals.

Figure 4.

Mean time elapsed to first response (years 2011–2019).

Figure 5.

Mean manuscript processing time from acceptance to publication (years 2011–2019).

Visibility of Anales de Pediatría

The considerable increase in the visibility of Anales de Pediatría throughout 2019 is the most positive aspect to highlight in the evolution of the journal. Since 2012 and particularly in 2014 we had witnessed a substantial increase in the number of readers, which we attributed to a great extent to the publication of the journal in English as well as Spanish. However, the increase achieved in 2019 is probably due to other factors, such as the redesign of the digital platform of Anales de Pediatría to make it more user-friendly and appealing, facilitating consultations from mobile devices or increased visibility in social networks. At any rate, what the figures seem to indicate once again is that the journal is received favourably by potential readers. Specifically, compared to 2018, the number of visits to the Anales de Pediatría website increased by more than 2.5 million, with the total number of visits exceeding 5.6 million (Fig. 6). The highest percentage of readers correspond to Spain, with 22.8%, and Mexico, with 20.9%. The increasing trend in visits from Science Direct (Fig. 7) was consolidated with an increase that approximated 50,000 visits, of which 87.2% were from the United States (Fig. 7). The total number of visits, with an increase of nearly 3 million, exceeded 7 million (Fig. 8).

Figure 6.

Visibility de Anales de Pediatría: number of visits to the site ( (years 2011–2019). The percentage distribution by country was: Spain: 23%, Mexico: 21%, Argentina: 10%, Colombia: 10%, Chile: 6%, Peru: 6%, Ecuador: 4%, USA: 3%, Bolivia: 2%, Venezuela: 2% and other: 13%.

Figure 7.

Visibility of Anales de Pediatría: number of visits from Science Direct (years 2011–2019).

Figure 8.

Visibility de Anales de Pediatría: total number of visits (years 2011–2019).


The website of Anales de Pediatría features the number of visits to each article, which is updated daily, allowing readers and authors to know which are the most read.


Table 1 details the names of the 314 reviewers that have collaborated with Anales de Pediatría in 2019. We will never tire of emphasising how essential their work is. They select the best manuscripts and provide constructive comments to improve the articles that they review. As we do every year, we express our gratitude for their disinterested efforts.

Table 1.

Professionals that have cooperated as reviewers in Anales de Pediatría.

Family names  First name 
A. Cienfuegos Abril  Javier Juan Carlos 
Adán Lanceta  Víctor 
Aguilera-Albesa  Sergio 
Ainsa Laguna  David 
Alarcón Alacio  María Teresa 
Alarcón Martínez  Helena 
Albanil  Rosa 
Alberola  Susana 
Alcalá Minagorre  Pedro 
Alcaráz  Andrés 
Alcobendas  Rosa 
Alegre  Victor 
Alija  María 
Allue  Xavier 
Almerich  José M. 
Alonso Calderón  Jose Lorenzo 
Alonso  María Agustina 
Alonso  María Teresa 
Altet  María N. 
Altisent  Rogelio 
Álvarez Aldeán  Javier 
Álvarez García  Francisco 
Alvarez-Pitti  Julio 
Alvez  Fernando 
Andrés Llano  Jesús María 
Andrés  Ana Gloria 
Anes  Gonzalo 
Antrib  Juan 
Aranda-García  Silvia 
Ariceta  Gema 
Arnaez  Juan 
Arranz  Eduardo 
Arriaga  María 
Asensio de la Cruz  Oscar 
Astigarrag  Itziar 
Audi  Laura 
Avila-Alvarez  Alejandro 
Ayala Curiel  Javier 
Azcunaga  Beatriz 
Balaguer  Albert 
Balaguer  Josep Vicent 
Banus Gasol  Ester 
Barrio Castellanos  Raquel 
Barrio  Josefa 
Baselga  Eulalia 
Bautista-Casasnovas  Adolfo 
Belinchón Romero  Isabel 
Bella  Mónica 
Benavente-Fernández  Isabel 
Benito Fernández  Javier 
Bergua  Ana 
Berrueco  Ruben 
Betlloch  Isabel 
Blanchard  Ana 
Blanco Barca  Oscar 
Blanco Lago  Raquel 
Blasco-Alonso  Javier 
Botet  Francesc 
Bousoño García  Carlos 
Bravo Acuña  Juan 
Bueno  María Mercedes 
Burillo-Putz  Guillermo 
Bustos Lozano  Gerardo 
Cabero Pérez  María Jesús 
Calvo-Lerma  Joaquim 
Calzada Hernández  Joan 
Camacho Lovillo  Marisol 
Cambra Lasaosa  Francisco José 
Campos Domínguez  Minia 
Cancho Candela  Ramón 
Cano-Garcinuño  Alfredo 
Carrasco  Jose 
Carrascosa  Antonio 
Casano  Paula 
Castel  Victoria 
Castillo Salinas  Félix 
Castro Conde  José Ramón 
Chueca Guindulain  María José 
Cillereulo  M. Jose 
Cilleruelo Pascual  María Luz 
Codoñer-Franch  Pilar 
Collado  Pilar 
Conde Barreiro  Santiago 
Conejo Moreno  David 
Conejo-Fernández  Antonio José 
Costa-Romero  Marta 
Couce  María Luz 
Crespo Marcos  David 
Crespo-Escobar  Paula 
de la Torre  Mercedes 
de Lucas Collantes  Carmen 
del Río Pastoriza  Ines 
del Río  Ruth 
Demestre  Xavier 
Díaz Conradi  Alvaro 
Díaz Martín  Juan 
Diez Blanco  María 
Díez López  Ignacio 
Domingo Jiménez  María Rosario 
Donat  Ester 
Dorao  Paloma 
Dorronsoro  Izaskun 
Durá-Travé  Teodoro 
Eirís  Jesús 
Eizaguirre  Iñaki 
Elorza  Dolores 
Escarrer  Mercedes 
Escobosa Sánchez  O. M. 
Escribano García  Carla 
Escribano Montaner  Amparo 
Escribano  Joaquín 
Espin Jaime  Beatriz 
Espino Hernández  Mar 
F. Delgado  Rafael 
Fernández Baizán  Cristina 
Fernandez Escribano  Angustias 
Fernández González  Nuria 
Fernández Menéndez  José Manuel 
Fernández Montes  Reyes 
Fernández Navarro  Jose 
Fernández Paz  Cristina 
Figueras-Aloy  Josep 
Flores-Gonzalez  Jose Carlos 
Fortuny  Claudia 
Fraga Rodríguez  Gloria María 
García García  María Luz 
Gaboli  Mirella 
Galiana-Simal  Adrián 
Galindo Zavala  Rocio 
García Cusco  Mireia 
García García  Juan José 
García López Hortelano  Milagros 
García López  Enrique 
García Puga  José Manuel 
García Robles  Ana 
García Soler  Patricia 
García Teresa  María de los Angeles 
García-Alix  Alfredo 
García-Iñiguez  Juan Pablo 
García-Muñoz  Rodrigo Fermín 
García-Nieto  Víctor 
García-Salido  Alberto 
Gárriz  Maite 
Gil García  Eugenia 
Girón-Vallejo  Oscar 
Gómez de Quero Masía  Pedro 
Gómez Gila  Ana Lucía 
Gómez Sáez  F. 
Gómez Veiras  Javier Ricardo 
Gómez  Borja 
González Balenciaga  María 
González García  Hermenegildo 
González Lamuño  Domingo 
González Sánchez  Susana 
Gonzalez Viejo  Inmaculada 
González-Granado  L. Ignacio 
González-Ripoll Garzón  Manuel 
González  M. Teresa 
González  Rafael 
González  Soledad 
Granados Ruiz  Miguel Angel 
Grau  Gema 
Guerra  Jose Lorenzo 
Gutiérrez Díez  María Pilar 
Gutierrez  Ramón 
Hedrera Fernández  Antonio 
Hernández Borges  Angel 
Hernández Rastrollo  Ramón 
Hernández-Aguilar  María-Teresa 
Hernández-Merino  Angel 
Herrera  Rosa 
Huidobro  Belén 
Ibarra  Ignacio 
Iceta-Lizarrag  Ainhoa 
Iglesias Platas  Isabel 
Iriondo  Martin 
Izquierdo  Isabel 
Jaraba Caballero  María del Pilar 
Jiménez Feijoo  Rosa 
Juste  Mercedes 
Korta Murua  Javier 
Labarta-Aizpún  José I. 
Lanzarote-Fernández  María Dolores 
Lasarte  Juan José 
Leis  Rosaura 
León-Castelao  Esther 
Llaneza  Ana 
Lobete  Carlos 
López Almaraz  Ricardo 
López Azorin  Manuela 
López Maestro  María 
López-Fernandez  Yolanda M. 
López-Herce  Jesús 
López-Ibor  Blanca 
López-Laso  Eduardo 
López-Villalobos  José Antonio 
López  Juan 
Luis Yanes  María Isabel 
Lurbe  Empar 
Madariaga  Leire 
Magallares  Berta 
Manas  Raquel 
Marrodán  María Dolores 
Marti  Amelia 
Martín de Carpi  Javier 
Martín-Calama Valero  Jesús 
Martín-Marcuartu  Juan José 
Martínez López  M. del Mar 
Martínez-Biarge  Miriam 
Martínez-Camblor  Pablo 
Martínez-Lage  Juan F. 
Martínez-Sánchez  Jose M. 
Martínez  Carmen 
Martínez  Inés 
Marugan Miguelsanz  J. M. 
Mata Zubillaga  Daniel 
Mearin  María Luisa 
Meavilla Olivas  Silvia 
Medina Benítez  Enrique 
Medrano Lopez  Constancio 
Mencía  Santiago 
Mesana Graffe  María Isabel 
Millán Olmo  M. Carmen 
Molina Gutiérrez  Miguel Angel 
Moliner-Urdiales  Diego 
Montoya-Castilla  Inmaculada 
Morales Martinez  Antonio 
Morales-Olivas  Francisco 
Moreno-Villares  Jose Manuel 
Moya  Manuel 
Muñoz  Victor 
Murias  Sara 
Navarro Marí  Jose María 
Navarro  Sergi 
Navas-López  Víctor Manuel 
Nieto González  Juan Carlos 
Nieto  Alicia 
Nieto  Antonio 
Nuñez-Batalla  Faustino 
Ocete-Hita  Esther 
Ochoa Sangrador  Carlos 
Olbrich  Peter 
Ordóñez Álvarez  Flor Ángel 
Ortigosa  Luis 
Ortiz Salvador  José María 
Ortiz-Marrón  Honorato 
Pallas-Alonso  Carmen-Rosa 
Parrilla Parrilla  Julio 
Paz  Jose 
Peiro  Salvador 
Peláez Mata  David 
Perez Alonso  Vanessa 
Perez Navero  Juan 
Pérez Solís  David 
Pérez-Bey  Alejandro 
Perez-Munuzuri  Alejandro 
Pilar  Javier 
Pino-Yanes  María 
Piñeiro Pérez  Roi 
Praena Crespo  Manuel 
Prat Ortells  Jordi 
Pujol Muncunill  Gemma 
Quintero  Jesús 
Rajmil  Luis 
Ramos-Fernández  José Miguel 
Regueras  Laura 
Reis  Guilhermina 
Rey  Corsino 
Reyes  Susana 
Riaño Galán  Isolina 
Rica  Itxaso 
Riestra Rodríguez  M. Rosario 
Rite Gracia  Segundo 
Roca  David 
Rodríguez Arnao  María Dolores 
Rodríguez Núñez  Antonio 
Rodríguez-Gonzalez  Moisés 
Rodríguez-Vigil Iturrate  Carmen 
Rodríguez  Julián 
Román  Enriqueta 
Ruiz Canela  Juan 
Ruiz  Lorea 
Rus Palacios  Macarena 
Sáenz  Pilar 
Salguero  Enrique 
Sánchez Luna  Manuel 
Sánchez Oliva  David 
Sánchez Sánchez  Cesar 
Sánchez de Toledo  Joan 
Sánchez  Tomas 
Santos Simarro  Fernando 
Santos  Fernando 
Sanz Santaeufemia  Francisco José 
Siguero  Juan 
Siurana  Jose Manuel 
Solis  Gonzalo 
Soriano-Guillén  Leandro 
Suarez-Rodríguez  Marta 
Tapia Collados  Caridad 
Tapia Moreno  Rocío 
Toledo del Castillo  Blanca 
Torres Borrego  Javier 
Torres Peral  Ricardo 
Torres-Borrego  Javier 
Vázquez López  Paula 
Vázquez Martínez  José Luis 
Vázquez Rueda  Fernando 
Velasco  Roberto 
Vento  Máximo 
Vitoria  Isidro 
Vivanco  Ana 
Yahyaoui  Raquel 
Zeballos Sarrato  Gonzalo 

The names of professionals that reviewed more than 3 articles are presented in boldface.

In an attempt to improve the recruitment of new reviewers, Elsevier has included Anales de Pediatría in its “volunpeers” initiative. The latter consists in inviting interested researchers, usually authors of recently published articles, to register as reviewers through the Editorial Manager system.


We also thank the authors of the manuscripts for their interest in publishing their research in Anales de Pediatría. We regret the high percentage of rejections that we are forced to issue due to the difference between the number of submitted manuscripts and the publication capacity of the journal. We are aware that we may sometimes err in the manuscript evaluation process and reject articles with sufficient scientific rigour to deserve publication. We hope that authors will be understanding in these situations and continue to submit the work to the journal. It has been a few months since we have made it possible to submit videos to the Images in Paediatrics section. This option has only been used occasionally. However, we keep it open, as we believe that it is particularly useful to convey clinical aspects in which static images are limited in the amount of the total information they can present.


The annual award Anales de Pediatría 2020 to the best article published in Anales de Pediatría in 2019 was given to “Marta Montejo Fernández, Iñaki Benito Manrique, Arantza Montiel Eguía and Javier Benito Fernández. Una iniciativa para reducir el uso de medicación innecesaria en lactantes con bronquiolitis en atención primaria. An Pediatr (Barc). 2019;90:19–25”.

The award to the article that contributed the most to the impact factor of Anales de Pediatría in the past 2 years (2018 and 2019) corresponded to “Ana Jiménez de Domingo, Rafael Marañón Pardillo, Vanessa Arias Constanti, Luis Alberto Frontado Haiek, Marta Soriano Arola, Frances Ripoll Oliveras, Cristina Remón García, Gloria Estopiña Ferrer y Jorge Lorente Romero, en representación del Grupo de Trabajo de Lesiones no Intencionadas de la Sociedad Española de Urgencias de Pediatría. Epidemiología y factores de riesgo de las lesiones por caídas en niños menores de un año. An Pediatr (Barc). 2017;86:337–343”.

We offer our congratulations to the authors of these articles.

Spanish Association of Paediatrics

In every previous editorial, we have highlighted the support that Anales de Pediatría receives from the Board of Directors of the AEP.6 A year ago we expressed our gratitude for the ongoing effort of the AEP to ensure the journal is free both for the authors that publish their work and the readers. We believe that this is another of the factors that have promoted the spectacular increase in the visibility of the journal in 2019. Our main objective is to publish high-quality content to be read by a great number of paediatricians worldwide. It seems that with the support of the AEP we are achieving it.

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Medical Journals and the 2019-nCoV outbreak.
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C. Rey Galán, L. Alsina Manrique de Lara, M. Antón Gamero, A. Cano Garcinuño, G. Solís Sánchez.
Infección por Coronavirus (Covid-19) en Anales de Pediatría.
An Pediatr (Barc), 92 (2020), pp. 189
C. Calvo, M.G. López-Hortelano, J.C. de Carlos Vicente, J.L. Vázquez Martínez, Grupo de trabajo de la Asociación Española de Pediatría para el brote de infección por Coronavirus, colaboradores con el Ministerio de Sanidad.
Recomendaciones sobre el manejo clínico de la infección por el «nuevo coronavirus» SARS-CoV2. Grupo de trabajo de la Asociación Española de Pediatría (AEP).
An Pediatr (Barc), 92 (2020), pp. 241.e1-241.e11
C. Alonso Díaz, M. López Maestro, M.T. Moral Pumarega, B. Flores Antón, C. Pallás Alonso.
Primer caso de infección neonatal por SARS-CoV-2 en España.
An Pediatr, 92 (2020), pp. 237-238
C. Rey Galán, L. Alsina Manrique de Lara, M. Antón Gamero, A. Cano Garcinuño, G. Solís, Sánchez.
Informe anual de los editores de Anales de Pediatría.
An Pediatr (Barc), 90 (2019), pp. 329-337
M.J. Mellado.
La AEP, determinante en los cambios profesionales, epidemiológicos, socioculturales y medioambientales que impactarán en la salud de los niños del país.
An Pediatr (Barc), 90 (2019), pp. 338-341

Please cite this article as: Rey Galán C, Alsina Manrique de Lara L, Antón Gamero M, Cano Garcinuño A, Solís Sánchez G. Informe anual de los editores de Anales de Pediatría. An Pediatr (Barc). 2020;92:321–327.

Copyright © 2020. Asociación Española de Pediatría
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